Crime Statistics in South Africa

Crime Stats SA – South Africa’s Crime Statistics Updated

Crime Stats South Africa has updated the crime statistics of South Africa for 2016 and it makes for some interesting reading. If you would like to view the crime statistics for you particular are please visit their website and make your selection:

Crime Stats South Africa

In the current climate in South Africa it can be daunting to find the right people for your company to ensure prosperity and growth. We at the PISA Psychometric Assessment Centre can help you to verify the information submitted by job seekers and applicants to empower you with the knowledge you need to make the best choices.

From qualification and criminal record vetting to professional polygraph examinations, we have the right tools for any company, big or small. We can also assist you to create a pre-employment screening program specifically suited for your company needs and budget. Here we answer some of the frequently asked questions regarding pre-employment screenings.