Polygraph examinations are scientifically validated tests used to determine the probability of a person answering truthfully, or not, to a set of pre-determined questions. It is often referred to as a lie detection device due to it mainly being used in a lie detection framework, or to monitor for concealed information. These examinations can serve multiple functions in a company or institution and are often used by law enforcement agencies, investigators, and human resources practitioners to assist in various investigations and to resolve disputes. There are various types of polygraph examinations with different uses and different levels of accuracy. Polygraph examinations can be used to assist in investigations, as part of a bundle of evidence in CCMA and equivalent institutions as well as labour court, as part of a general risk screening program or pre-employment vetting programs. Polygraph testing offers several valuable benefits in various domains such as criminal investigations, continuous risk management, employment screening, and psychological assessments.

One of the primary applications of polygraph testing is in criminal investigations used to determine whether an individual is being deceptive or truthful about their involvement in a crime. Polygraph examinations can help to identify potential suspects who may be lying about their involvement or knowledge of a crime. This can streamline the investigation process and focus resources on more promising leads. Additionally, during the examination interview the examiner will collect information from the examinee regarding the matters under investigation, which can serve as an additional source of information for the investigating team, or as an additional opportunity to corroborate information and monitor for inconsistencies in statements provided. For individuals who are honest, passing a polygraph test can help validate their statements, clearing them of suspicion and allowing the individual to be exonerated.

Polygraph testing is also utilized in employment screening, particularly in roles involving security, law enforcement, or sensitive information. Organizations use polygraphs to ensure that potential employees are trustworthy and have no undisclosed personal or professional issues that might affect their job performance. For positions that require high levels of trust, such as in national security or financial sectors, polygraph tests can help assess the integrity and reliability of candidates, screening out candidates who may be deceptive about their qualifications or background and reducing the risk of hiring individuals who might pose a security threat or engage in unethical behavior. These tests can also be used to monitor for inappropriate conduct in environments where safety is paramount, such as in transportation or critical infrastructure, to ensure that employees adhere to safety protocols and minimize potential risks.

All examiners representing the PISA Integrity Assessment Centre have qualified from training institutions accredited by the American Polygraph Association, are required to be members of the Southern African Polygraph Federation; a divisional member of the American Polygraph Association and self-regulating professional body, and are required to adhere to a strict code of ethics and international standards of practice. The examiners may only use polygraph examination techniques that have been scientifically validated, which means that each technique should have at least two peer-reviewed scientific studies supporting the validity of the technique, and the technique selected should adhere to the minimum requirements as specified by the American Polygraph Association standards of practice, including the minimum correct decision requirements as stipulated for evidentiary, investigative and screening examinations, with an inconclusive rating of less than twenty percent. If you would like more information regarding the standards of practice of polygraph examinations or any of its minimum requirements, or require the assistance of an expert witness, please do not hesitate to contact us for a free consultation.

Specific Incident Polygraph Examination

Polygraph examinations are often used to assist in investigations. If you had a criminal or other incident occur at the workplace, polygraph examinations can serve as a powerful forensic tool. As an investigative tool it can provide information to the investigating team regarding the incident that in certain cases is simply not possible through any other means. Most agencies have found that the polygraph can be used most effectively to limit the number of suspects. The results can normally indicate which person/s was involved in the investigated matter, and in some instances admissions of guilt are obtained during or after a polygraph examination as well as additional information from the pre-examination interview which can be corroborated with previous statements or other facts of the case. A polygraph examination does not replace an investigation; however, it can greatly assist the investigating team. The results of a polygraph examination can also be submitted as part of a bundle of evidence to increase the strength of a case in a disciplinary hearing or arbitration.

Pre-Employment Polygraph Examination

A pre-employment polygraph examination is a test conducted on applicants or prospective employees as a means of gathering information, verifying information submitted by applicants and to monitor for potential risks to your company such as historical criminal or unethical behaviour. During a pre-employment polygraph examination, the candidate fills out a form regarding their history, including personal administrative information, medical history, employment history, history of drugs use, involvement in criminal or unethical activity, financial history and more. Once the form has been completed the candidates are questioned during a structured interview and are informed that being honest in their responses will increase their chances of being accepted at the company as the reason for the examination is to determine their honesty. The candidates are given the opportunity to amend their responses prior to the examination. Pre-determined questions are discussed with the examinee, and once the examinee agrees that they understand the questions and can answer them truthfully, a polygraph examination is conducted to verify whether the candidate is truthful when answering the questions. The questions are tailored to the position and company for which the person is applying. While background verifications, qualification verifications and criminal record vetting may indicate historical, criminal, or unethical activities of a candidate, a pre-employment polygraph examination can assist in detecting activities and falsified information that cannot be monitored through any other means, such as their involvement in criminal activity for which they have not been prosecuted. Used in vetting processes for law enforcement agencies, security companies, retail companies and any organisations in which staff members are placed in a position of trust or the mitigation of risk is necessitated by operational requirements, the examinations have become an essential cornerstone in data collection and pre-employment vetting globally. These examinations not only act as a deterrent for criminal or unethical candidates but also fosters a culture of integrity with new applicants and acts as a safeguard for existing staff members and clients.

Continuous Screening Polygraph Examination

Continuous screening polygraph examinations are examinations that are implemented on a continuous basis in accordance with a pre-determined timeframe (3 months, 6 months, or annually) as a means of pro-actively monitoring for criminal and unethical activities at a company. These examinations have been implemented with great success at security companies, hotels, retailers, mining operations, logistics and warehouse companies and many more. Knowing that they will be sent for a polygraph examination on a routine basis, staff members are less likely to become involved in criminal or unethical activities. Should they become involved in such activities, it will likely be detected during their screening examination and prompt further investigation by the company. Additionally, screening examinations promotes a culture of integrity and acts as a deterrent to potential criminal or unethical activities at a place of work.

Statement Verification Examination

During certain incidences and investigations, the investigating team is often left with nothing but a statement, or even worse, conflicting statements. As there can be limited avenues available to determine the veracity of these statements, polygraph examinations can provide an alternative course affording the opportunity of all parties involved in having the truthfulness of their statements scrutinized by an independent test. It often happens that individuals are unjustly implicated in a crime or marked as targets for accusations or inferences. In many cases, there is no way in which those concerned can restore the trust or protect their reputation from the harm of careless accusations. The polygraph examination provides an excellent opportunity to restore the trust between employee and employer and creates an unequalled opportunity for such individuals to substantiate their truthfulness and prove their innocence. The results of statement verification polygraph examinations can be submitted along with the written statements as part of a bundle of evidence in disciplinary hearings or arbitrations, increasing the value of the evidence.

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