Crime and Polygraph Examinations

Polygraph Tests and Crime

Some observers find explanations for modern day violence and increased rates of criminal victimisation in the widespread media exposure of violence, especially on television and in film. Other explanations for crime can also be offered, including those that target biological factors such as genetic abnormalities which may predispose people towards crime and violence and others which look to individual psychological difficulties, or variations in patterns of early socialisation. Likewise social institutions such as the family, schools and religious bodies can be examined for the role they play in reducing or enhancing the likelihood of criminality in the community. For example, […]

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PISA Integrity Assessment Centre

Polygraph Institute of South Africa is turning 30!

The Polygraph Institute of South Africa, member of The PISA Integrity Assessment Centre, is turning 30, and we decided to celebrate by giving our loyal customers the gifts that they deserve by cutting our prices. The company has walked many miles, left many footprints and created many waves of positive change since it was founded in 1986. Today the PISA Integrity Assessment Centre boasts the wisdom and skills that can only be crafted through years of experience and dedication to their field. Many cheap imitations grow in their shadows, but the Polygraph Institute of South Africa and PISA Integrity Assessment […]

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Using polygraph examinations as protection for your company.

Employing Potential Risk

Dr. Ray Martin 11 May 2015 With today’s Labour Law offering a great deal of protection to the employee, it is imperative that staff selection includes security vetting of a more holistic nature than pure verification and clearance checks. This especially so when appointments are to be made at a managerial level where there is potential risk of future financial loss. Too often appointments are made on the basis of past experience and competency to fulfill the vacancy. “What” the employer should be asking himself, “is the possibility of the successful candidate having a tendency or potential to conduct him/ […]

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PISA Integrity Assessment Centre

PISA Not Affiliated With Polygraph Institution African Continent

It has been brought to our attention that there is a company operational under the name of the Polygraph Institution African Continent, headed by Mr Nico Jooste. The company has been known to refer to themselves as the Polygraph Institute on occasion as well. We would like to make it clear to our valued customers that The Polygraph Institute of South Africa (PISA) and the PISA Integrity Assessment Centre is not in any way affiliated or part of this Polygraph Institution nor is the Polygraph Institute of South Africa (PISA) or the PISA Integrity Assessment Centre affiliated with Mr Nico […]

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Detecting Lies - Newspaper Clippings

Detecting Lies for 20 Years

With over 20 years of experience, the PISA Integrity Assessment Centre is second to none. Time and experience has forged our knowledge into wisdom. A track record that has spoken for itself, many has seen the vast benefits that polygraph examinations can serve not only in specific investigations, but also in cultivating a culture of integrity and honesty within the workplace. Integrity assessment programs offer an all encompassing spectrum of reactive as well as proactive measures that actively seek to prevent unethical and criminal behaviour, to protect those unfairly implicated in such activities and to aid the investigating team in […]

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